Beyond the Clouds

Beyond the Clouds

Dorareg Smith

     Am I in the right place? Am I going towards the right direction?  Am I following God’s voice? How long is it going to take for me to see God’s perfect plan fulfilled in my life? Those were some of the questions I had at my young age.  I accepted Jesus in my heart when I was a child.  I knew that I was saved, and I knew that I was going to spend eternity in His Presence, but there was a desire inside of me to experience that abundant life John 10:10 talks about.  I knew it was by His Grace, but how can I experience it now? I wondered.

     My whole perspective has changed since that day when my Creator and best friend gave me a beautiful picture that I will never forget.

     The flight was delayed because of a winter snowfall, and I was inside the plane, waiting for it to take off.  I was ready to see my family after spending the winter break far from my home.  The sky was gray, and I could hardly see through the deep fog outside the window.  Finally, the plane started ascending in a very fast motion, and I was able to feel the aircraft hitting the dark clouds.  All of a sudden, I was a spectator of one of the best scenes I’ve ever seen in my life.   The sky was holding the splendor of a radiant sun, this time the other side of the window was clear and my senses were able to perceive the warmth of a beautiful light.  Yes! That’s right! I was above the clouds, and the snowstorm was under me now.  

It was a message straight from Heaven coming from my heart, and it was His sweet, still, small voice, saying, "I Invite you to see from my perspective; I invite you to see above what the circumstances dictate; I invite you to set your sight on Me."

     Salvation is to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  It is the beginning of life and is the door that opens the opportunity to experience Jesus as The ONE who brings total fulfillment in every area.  It is not a one-time event, but a daily walk.

     Jesus! HE is the One who never changes.  

He calls us to see things from His perspective, setting our mind on things above.  

     He calls us to experience Faith as we walk, knowing Him through His Word: the Word that endures forever (1Peter 1:25); the very same Word that persuades us that nothing can separate us from HIS LOVE (Rom 8:38, 39).  He teaches us that we are in the right place because we are In JESUS (John 15:5).  

     After I was able to see such a panorama, I am convinced that as I walk in this earth, He gives me the ability to experience His very presence wherever I go, and I know that His Word is greater than anything I can see in the natural realm.  His existence and Love go beyond what I can see, and the circumstances will not be a barrier for me to believe, but rather an opportunity for me to see the Splendor of HIS GLORY AND POWER manifested.

Because He IS, I am.  

In Jesus I live and move and have my being.    

(Acts 17:28)