A Heart For Kenya

We deeply love Kenya, and have loved Kenya long before we ever visited the country.  Having the opportunity to minister in two cities in Kenya this year was an unspeakable privilege for us.  

From Kisumu, where we are known as Javan Ochieng and Dora Adhiambo, to Nairobi, where we are known as Javan Kariuki and Dora Wambui, we sought to make only one name known – the Name of JESUS!  Bwana Yesu asifiwe sana!

Kisumu was a unique ministry experience.  With our dear brother and sister, Pastors George and Molly Barrack, we were able to visit the homes of widows and minister the Love of Jesus to a group of 37 orphans.  With the widows and orphans we were hoping to give love, but all the while we received an outpouring of love in return. We shared a message of Grace and redemption with them, and we spent a beautiful time fellowshipping with them, both individually and collectively.  We look forward to future occasions together with those whom the world has called “widows and orphans,” but Jesus calls them kings and queens.

Before leaving Kisumu , we had the opportunity to address a professional Kenyan football club called Western Stima, FC (or a “soccer team” for you Americans who don’t know what real football is).  If you have never seen a team of professional athletes worshipping Jesus passionately, check out the short clip we have posted below.

Leaving Kisumu, we arrived in the capital city of Nairobi with big expectations, and God exceeded those expectations.  Connecting with our dear friends, Pastors John and Grace Kimani, we set out to teach the Word and impart God’s Love. Wherever we taught the Word, people were more than receptive.  For us, teaching the Word of God is a passion and a calling, and nothing is more rewarding than watching people be stirred and set ablaze with revelation from the Word. While in Nairobi, we had the opportunity to bring food to a community of Congolese refugees.  There, with those beautiful and loving refugees, we ministered a message of hope and the certainty of God’s faithfulness.

As we depart from Kenya now, we leave a big part of our hearts behind…. We will be back soon!

Now, check out this clip of the Western Stima professional football club singing and dancing for Jesus!...

Spreading His Love Throughout Uganda

When in Uganda, we have the distinct privilege of venturing far outside of the capital city of Kampala and connecting with wonderful people around the country, wherever there are branch churches in the Glory of Christ network.  Some of those journeys lead us into remote villages. It is in these remote places where we have the opportunity not only to give love, but to receive an outpouring of genuine love and hospitality from the precious people. In 2017, while visiting orphans in Rakai, we had been asking the Lord to love the people through us.  Rather than answering our prayer as we had requested, God made the opposite happen. He loved us in staggering and overwhelming fashion through the children of Rakai.

This year, we took a road trip to Namayingo, near the Kenyan border to conduct a weekend conference for regional pastors and leaders. By the Grace of God, the conference was a wonderful success.  Whenever Glory of Christ sends us out of Kampala to minister in other parts of the country, they provide us with solid leaders from their church who accompany us. For this trip toward the east of Uganda, we traveled with our dear friends Pastor Paul Kayanja and Pastor Simon Matovu.  It was an unspeakable honor to serve alongside these two powerful men of God, who are both part of the pastoral staff at the home church in Kampala.

Here is a quick video clip from Namayingo...

Loving Uganda

When we are in Glory of Christ Church here in Kampala, Uganda, we are right at home.  Pastors Herbert and Irene and their family are an absolute treasure, and from the time we met them, they have held a special place in our hearts.  Our first visit here was in October 2017. The pastors sent us on unforgettable journeys to churches and orphanages in various parts of the country, such as Kyenjojo, Rakai, Masaka, and Entebbe.  During our road trips we formed deep bonds with many of the leaders from the Glory of Christ family.

Now, only ten months later, we have returned.  But this time we are not visitors. They have let us know that we are part of the family.  We love this church and everything they do, from the discipleship training, to the lineage system, to the bank and loan center, to the medical center.

On this trip, we will also go to other parts of the country, visiting churches in the Glory of Christ network, but the main purpose of this visit was for both of us to speak in the annual Heart-2-Heart conference.  Our “Hermana” Irene had a vision to launch “Heart-2-Heart” as a ministry to children in dire need. Thanks to their ministry, these children will have an opportunity for Christ-centered education, enrichment, and empowerment. We believe in the work this ministry is doing.

The conference was attended by people ages 17 and up, and it was meant to bring attention to the work in which Heart-2-Heart is engaged.  Attendance was phenomenal, and the people were very energetic and receptive of the Word. The atmosphere was fire! We consider it on honor to have been invited as speakers in the 2018 Heart-2-Heart conference.  

Here is a quick video clip of us having some fun with the Glory of Christ media team…



Seeing God Move in Las Piñas (Metro Manila)

After five powerful and successful conferences in other provinces around Luzon with “Eagles' Wings,” we arrived in Manila ready to finish strong.  Attendance was exceptional, with pastors and leaders coming from far and wide, but even more remarkable was the tangible Presence of God and the receptivity of the people.  

With all our heart, we thank God for Pastor Frank Beato, his wife Pastora Corazon, their family, and their extraordinary group of leaders and volunteers who serve with them in the work of the ministry. Having the opportunity to connect and build relationships with such wonderful people is a privilege beyond what our words can express.

Each Eagles’ Wings conference from Laguna to Baguio, to Pangasinan, to Tarlac, to Bataan, and finally to Metro Manila, was uniquely anointed.  Sharing the Word, leading Tagalog songs with the worship teams, breaking bread together, developing new friendships, and laughing with each other – these are the moments that we will carry in our hearts.  To Pastors Paul and Nancy Glass, thank you for loving and serving the people.  It was our honor to be with you and to take part in the ministry that God gave you here in the Philippines.  To Pastors Ricardo and Hannah Bagalawis (Kuya John and Ate Hannah), we love you and your family beyond words.  Thank you for serving and giving with such a Christ-like humility.  To all of our host pastors in each province and those who worked so hard to help make each conference a success, thank you!  May the Lord bless and multiply you abundantly.  

We will leave a big part of our hearts behind knowing that we will be back soon, by God's Grace!

By the Grace of God, we did what we set out to do, and finished strong…. Until next time.  The best is yet to come!


Thank you Bataan!

Each conference in every province here in the Philippines has had its own flavor. Though each one has been of the same Spirit, every conference has had a uniquely distinct anointing and manifestation of the Presence of God.   The conference in the Province of Bataan far exceeded our expectations.  Pastors and ministers from around the peninsular province came expectant, ready to receive.  

Things took place in this particular conference that we will carry in our hearts for years to come.  We ourselves received an impartation during this conference in Bataan, but the details and the description of what the Lord stirred in us are too much for this quick update. We thank God for His Faithfulness to us and for allowing to serve with Pastors Paul and Nancy Glass in their Eagles' Wings Conferences.

We value deeply the relationships that God has given us here in the Province of Bataan.  Now we are off to Manila for the home stretch….

Five conferences down… One more to go…

(Click the quick Video Below to hear ouR friends in Bataan share their greeting)

Tarlac – Feeling Right at Home

Oh, Tarlac!  Have our two days with you already passed, so quickly?

Camiling, Tarlac has become very dear to our hearts.  When we are with Pastor Artemio and Pastora Praxie Gomez, we are among family.  They showered us with love and treated us like royalty.  Their son, Pastor Stephen, and his wife, Pastora Vilma are anointed leaders who have a passion for the Word of God, while exhibiting a genuine compassion for people.

The Eagles' Wings Pastors and Leaders' conference here in Camiling, Tarlac was unlike any we have had so far.  God had something unique for the team to do here… for such a time as this!  We are grateful to be able to minister alongside Pastors Paul and Nancy Glass.  We thank God for their labor of love here in the Philippines, and we consider ourselves blessed to take part in their Eagles' Wings Conferences.  

Two more conferences left…we are expectant!

Camiling, we love you, and we will keep you in our hearts until we meet again…




Youth on Fire in Pangasinan #Philippines2018

     What an amazing privilege to minister to a dynamic, passionate group of Youth here in the province of Pangasinan, in the Philippines!  After our two-day Ministers’ Conference, the Eagles' Wings team set up a youth conference here, and the attendance was far beyond what we anticipated.  These youth are on fire for Jesus, full of His Love, and ready to proclaim His Name to the world.  Watch this video clip, and listen as these powerful young believers shout the Name that is above every other name!  Jesus reigns in Pangasinan, and the Word of the Lord will spring forth from this beautiful Province!   The etymology of the name “Pangasinan” means “Place where salt is made.” These anointed Youth are the salt of the earth that has not lost its flavor, seasoned with the Grace of God (Matthew 5:13, Colossians 4:6).  We love you, Pangasinan!




Departing From Baguio... Getting Ready for Pangasinan

     Two Ministers' Conferences down, four to go.  Our time in Baguio was exceptional beyond words.  The Lord spoke to us that Baguio is a City on a Hill, a beacon of the Light of Jesus to shine for Luzon, for the Philippines, for all of Southeast Asia, and for the entire world.  We love our dear Brothers and Sisters in Baguio, and we look forward to more wonderful times together in days to come.  Now we are accompanying Pastors Paul and Nancy Glass to the beautiful province of Pangasinan for the next On Eagles' Wings Conference.  After we finish the two-day ministers’ conference, we will also hold a full-day youth gathering.  Keep checking back for updates, and keep us in prayer as we spread the Love of Jesus here in the Philippines.

In Christ,

Javan and Dorareg


Update from the Laguna Province

     Our ministry trip to the Philippines is underway.  We have just finished the first of six On Eagles' Wings Ministers Conferences with Pastors Paul and Nancy Glass.  We had somewhere between 350 and 400 ministers in attendance for the two-day conference.  The Presence of God was tangible, and the ministers of Laguna were incredibly receptive.  In a few hours, we will embark on an eight-hour journey to Baguio for the next conference.  We appreciate your prayers and support more than you will ever know.  Keep checking back for more updates on this page.  Also, be on the lookout for a new teaching article coming soon!

In Christ,

Javan and Dorareg