Departing From Baguio... Getting Ready for Pangasinan

     Two Ministers' Conferences down, four to go.  Our time in Baguio was exceptional beyond words.  The Lord spoke to us that Baguio is a City on a Hill, a beacon of the Light of Jesus to shine for Luzon, for the Philippines, for all of Southeast Asia, and for the entire world.  We love our dear Brothers and Sisters in Baguio, and we look forward to more wonderful times together in days to come.  Now we are accompanying Pastors Paul and Nancy Glass to the beautiful province of Pangasinan for the next On Eagles' Wings Conference.  After we finish the two-day ministers’ conference, we will also hold a full-day youth gathering.  Keep checking back for updates, and keep us in prayer as we spread the Love of Jesus here in the Philippines.

In Christ,

Javan and Dorareg