Youth on Fire in Pangasinan #Philippines2018

     What an amazing privilege to minister to a dynamic, passionate group of Youth here in the province of Pangasinan, in the Philippines!  After our two-day Ministers’ Conference, the Eagles' Wings team set up a youth conference here, and the attendance was far beyond what we anticipated.  These youth are on fire for Jesus, full of His Love, and ready to proclaim His Name to the world.  Watch this video clip, and listen as these powerful young believers shout the Name that is above every other name!  Jesus reigns in Pangasinan, and the Word of the Lord will spring forth from this beautiful Province!   The etymology of the name “Pangasinan” means “Place where salt is made.” These anointed Youth are the salt of the earth that has not lost its flavor, seasoned with the Grace of God (Matthew 5:13, Colossians 4:6).  We love you, Pangasinan!